The Debian OpenSSL Predictable Random Number Generator Vulnerability
Rec 17-may-2008 14:08
By now you probably heard it elsewhere, but here's my take on the issue: several
crucial programs that use public key cryptography services provided by certain
versions of the OpenSSL library shipped with Debian-derived Linux
distributions (including Ubuntu and Kubuntu) have a severe vulnerability
that may enable attackers to gain access to your machines. The exact extent of
the possible access depends on how exactly things are set up in your computer,
as I'll explain below.
The root of the problem is this: almost two years ago, one of the maintainers
of the Debian version of the OpenSSL package disabled a few lines of code
in the random number generator. The motivation behind the change seems to have
been because running that particular part of the code through
Valgrind, one of many automated tools for finding common
problems in computer source code, caused it to complain about a possible use of
uninitialized data. This would prove to be a disaster.
The security of almost all crypto-based programs depends on choosing
keys that are unpredictable by an outsider. Normally, when you ask the OpenSSL
routines to generate, say, a
x-bit number, it is randomly drawn from a set of
x numbers. Let's work this calculation out for a couple of values:
- If you ask for a 32 bit random number, it'll get you one from a set of four billion possible numbers.
- If you ask for a 64 bit random number, it'll be drawn from a set of eighteen quintillion numbers. It's a set so large that most people can't even imagine it.
When choosing keys for public key cryptosystems, we need random number larger than
100 decimal digits; the size of the set where this number comes from is so absurdly
large that most people don't even know what to call it, yet it
does have a name --
it's "ten duotrigintillion" items, also known as "one
But what all that means is that the chance of an outsider guessing the correct
number that comprises our keys is next to nil because there number of possibilities
is all those duotrigintillions. Trying each and all of them is not viable
for the exact same reason: it's just too much. In other words, your key derives
its security from being indistinguishable from the rest of the crowd.
change the Debian maintainer made to the code, however, caused the OpenSSL
random number generator to output random numbers drawn from a set of only 32,768
possible numbers. Suddenly the crowd is WAY smaller, so small that it becomes
perfectly viable to list them all.
Most users of Windows probably never heard about
but most users of Linux that go beyond the graphical user interfaces, myself
included, use SSH every single day. For the benefit of my many Windows-centric
readers: SSH is kind of a remote control program that allows people to control
their computers over the Internet, a bit like Windows' Remote Desktop, but
(normally) much more secure. Find out more about it at the
Wikipedia entry for SSH.
SSH uses public key systems for two things: authenticating servers and
optionally authenticating users. But because of the change the Debian
maintainer made, if you generated the server keys (automatically done
when the SSH server is first installed or upgraded) with a vulnerable
version of the software, the key is almost guaranteed to be in
that list
that one).
This means an outsider can mount what crypto people call a
man-in-the-middle attack":
first, he asks your SSH server for its public keys (the server can't deny, otherwise
legitimate users wouldn't be able to connect.) Then he uses the list to see
which private keys correspond to your public keys (that's the part that fails
if the random number generator is good.) Now he can install a SSH server that
identifies exactly like yours. If he can also redirect you to his server (not a
very hard thing to do), it can lure you to connect to his server instead of yours
and, if he is careful enough, you won't notice the difference well past the point
you typed in your passwords. If the attacker is
really careful, you might not
notice at all.
For authenticating users, SSH provides several authentication methods.
You can use the older "name+password" method, but many people, myself included,
use the modern "public key authentication" method, which is normally more
secure and provides lots of other practical advantages: for instance, you
could give me acess to a server just by putting my public key there -- I woundn't
need to go there and set up yet another password; this makes it possible for
me to have one single password to remotely access several computers yet none
of them actually knowing what my password is.
However, if the key I use to identify myself was generated with the vulnerable
SSH version from Debian, my key would surely be
one of those 32,768
-- which means it would be easy for an outsider to figure out exactly what is the corresponding
private key. Unless something else stops him, this outsider could access all the
computers I have access to, just as I can.
Notice that the vulnerability is in the key generation process. This explains why
I wasn't affected myself -- my current SSH keys were generated circa 1999, using
a version of the SSH program that didn't have this random number generator problem.
If your personal keys (in
) arent't in the
compromised set, you aren't in the high risk group. But there may be other risks --
read on.
To check whether your key is affected, do this:
- Upgrade to the latest version of the SSH package. First, give a
apt-get update
to get the new package lists. Then, in Debian, give a apt-get install openssh-client openssh-server openssh-blacklist
. The upgrade process will check whether your server's keys are vulnerable and offer to regenerate them. If they weren't vulnerable, they'll be kept unchanged. This will solve the "server" part of the problem.
- Run the
utility that comes with the new version of the SSH tools. It will check whether the keys in your ~/.ssh
directory are vulnerable. If it says "COMPROMISED", you generate a new set of keys with the ssh-keygen
utility (read the man page for details). Now you should copy those new keys to all ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
files in every server you previously copied your vulnerable keys to. This is the tricky part -- it may very well be that you don't remember all computers you ever copied your vulnerable key to; or some of them may be unreachable to you at the time. And if you have a vulnerable key in hundreds of servers, it will be quite a lot of work.
The new SSH server will reject connection attempts from users using keys in the blacklist, so even if your system still has users with vulnerable keys, they will no longer be able to connect.
On the other hand, the new SSH client will
not prevent you from connecting to servers with blacklisted keys. This is a bit unfortunate, because you may have no simple way to determine whether you're connecting to your real server or to a trap in the form of a man-in-the-middle attack. But it is understandable why the OpenSSH developers did this: in many cases, SSH is the only way people have to get to their servers. If the new SSH client prevented them from getting there, it might render the users unable to fix them. But you shouldn't connect to servers with blacklisted keys unless you have other means of making sure you're actually connecting to the server you really intend to.
If your version of the SSH toolset already has the
utility, you can test if a remote server has vulnerable keys with the following commands:
ssh-keyscan -t dsa,rsa your-server-name-or-ip-address | cut -d' ' -f2- | ssh-vulnkey -
(The "ssh-vulnkey" man page has a similar recipe, but it doesn't work; the
utility outputs an extra initial field with the server address that the
doesn't understand. That's the reason for the
command in the middle for the pipe.)
The problem may be deeper still: one thing I didn't see people commenting all that much was the impact of all this to the
symmetric keys used for encrypting the bulk data past the authentication phase. If there are only 32,768 symmetric keys as well, it should be trivially easy to decrypt the data in transit (that's why intelligence agencies record everything, even if they can't decrypt it
today -- they might be able to decrypt it
later.) The sad conclusion would be that during almost two years, Debian's SSH was almost as insecure as
This whole mess brought new fuel to an old holy war: the fact that the Debian maintainers make changes of their own in many packages.
I think that most of the time this is a good thing: it keeps the platform stable and things generically working. For instance, I recently had a 2.6.18 kernel failing to run on a brand new server because it didn't have support for the Intel ICH9 SATA chipset, while Debian's 2.6.18 kernel worked just fine because the maintainers usually backport new hardware support from newer kernels. This made a lot easier to get the server running and pinpoint exactly where the problem was so we could fix our custom kernel as well.
In the OpenSSL's random number generation mess, however, we had a critical security code changed by someone who obviously didn't understand the implications. I wouldn't want to be in that guy's shoes; no doubt many curses are being directed his way. And it also gives Debian a bad press that I think it doesn't deserve, along with the usual
jokes. People hav even been ressurecting
an old Dilbert strip.
My suggestion to the Debian people is to have only certain knowledgeable people touch security critical stuff. But, sure, this easier said than done. The mere act of establishing what constitutes "security-critical" is a lot of work already -- plenty of stuff that doesn't look like security-related at first sight and yet it is ("Ooooh! I didn't know that a random number generator was a security critical thing!"). Let alone gathering knowledgeable volunteers.